535 Virginia
The 1896 Polk City Directory listed Frederick Blair as the resident of this home at 535 Virginia. William Curran, a printer with the News, was the occupant in 1900 and Alvina Temme, the widow of George Temme, boarded here.  Also, in 1900, Charles Cumberworth boarded here. He was a printer with Franklin Printing & Engraving Company.   Gertrude Wilde, a student, was also a boarder then.  In 1910 the resident was Fred Lyons and music teacher Emma Lyons who worked from her home giving lessons. James Lyons was also listed as an occupant in 1910.  Mayme Townsend, the widow of C. L. Townsend, and Gladys Townsend, a clerk with the Division of Health, lived here in 1918.
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