2923 Robinwood
The 1910 Polk directory listed machinist Hugh Ellsworth as the resident at 2923 Robinwood while Jay Repasz lived here in 1911.  George Eckhardt, the superintendent of the Eckhardt Monumental Co., resided here in 1912.  The 1918 directory listed Louise Putnam, the widow of George.  Edward Mays was the occupant in 1921.  Albert Mays, an inspector, roomed here in 1918.  The 2/29/28 issue of the Toledo News-Bee reported that Harry Gorman and Stanley M. Farrison of 2925 Robinwood responded to a small fire across the street at 2926 Robinwood, the boarding house operated by Mrs. M. C. Giblin.  Mr. Farrison, an electrician, and his wife Calla lived at 2925 Robinwood in 1928.
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