Harry W. Wachter

Harry W. Wachter




One of my favorite Old West End architects is Harry W. Wachter.  

His work is found throughout the neighborhood both in residential as well as institutional construction.




Harry, his wife Mabel and daughter Mary

                               Wachter and his wife Mabel lived in several Old West End

                                            homes that he designed for their growing family. 



Harry & Mabel Wachters' Children

Harry & Mabel Wachter's Children

The children of Harry and Mabel Wachter

are seen in this delightful photograph.






2302 Parkwood

Home of Harry Wachter-2302 Parkwood Built 1898

2416 Robinwood-Kelley Home

Harry W Wachter

2020 Parkwood (formerly 650 Lincoln)

Home of Harry Wachter-2020 Parkwood (formerly 650 Lincoln) Built 1910



2416 Robinwood-Kelley Home     








2248 Robinwood-Gardner Home

2248 Robinwood-Gardner Home

2274 Glenwood-Jacob Freeman Home

2274 Glenwood-Jacob Freeman Home

2208 Parkwood-Alexander Smith Home

2208 Parkwood-Alexander Smith Home
