2372 Lawrence

2372 Lawrence in 1937

2560 Robinwood

2560 Robinwood in 1937

2316 Robinwood

2316 Robinwood in 1937

2544 Scottwood

2544 Scottwood

2405 Lawrence

2405 Lawrence








All these houses have something in common!  The same one-time residents-George and Caroline Lathrop!  Do you live in or did you once own one of these houses?  Help us solve an OWE puzzle.  Do these houses have a common architect?  a common builder-Lathrop himself maybe?  Send us what you know about the history of your Old West End house.  Email us at lrs2709@bex.netThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


2556 Scottwood

2556 Scottwood-Did Lathrop Build This?

*Walter (Bill) Lathrop recalls that his grandparents moved often, building houses on speculation and reselling them. 

*Roger of 2540 Scottwood tells us that 2544 Scottwood is the "same exact house" as 2556 Scottwood except for some minor things like windows, trim and a few other things.


B & W photos in this article are courtesy of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, obtained from http://images2.toledolibrary.org/.


2630 Robinwood

2630 Robinwood in 1937

2606 Scottwood

2606 Scottwood in 1945

2564 Robinwood

2564 Robinwood in 1937

2426 Lawrence

2426 Lawrence in 1937

2627 Scottwood

2627 Scottwood in 1937