2704 Glenwood

2704 Glenwood was built on  lot #11 in 1909 for $2700.  In 1909 the lot was co-owned by Benjamin F Laird, a contractor who lived at 916 Islington, and George Sneary, a carpenter who lived at 926 Islington in 1910.  In 1910 the house was sold to August Kadon who was the superintendent of the Westlake Machine Company.  Debbie Martin provided information for this page.  August Kadow and his wife Bertha Kadow lived here in 1924.  Mr. Kadow was an engineer with the Libbey Glass Manufacturing Company.  Mabel Kadow, an interior decorator, roomed here as well as Edna Kadow, a student.  This house has a reverse twin at 2633 Robinwood.

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